Monday, November 14, 2011

Its like a painting outside the living room window. This is mid of November and I can feel winters creeping into my house with the morning sun. Sipping hot ginger tea by the window, sunrays kissing my face, I would have loved to loose myself in its embrace and get soaked in its warmth. A regular tete-a-tete with the mornings.
This seems luxury, now that more worldly things occupy that space.

Look back and they are not there anymore. Look ahead and you feel reaching there may take forever. So you stick yourself to this very moment !
Filtering through bizarre memories, some pictures tend to stay for life,as you may have felt but in fact nothing is forever, even the same memory, same picture does not remain the same. It changes they way you change, the way your opinion changes. There comes a  time when you start accepting as usual which was earlier unusual.
Nothing holds on, nothing remains and then you realize you will miss this moment if you wont live it, the way it is right now, as it will change the very next moment !